After adding a number of priors, you’ll then proceed to peruse the search results. p-search orders the results so the most probable documents are at the top. After performing a search, if you believe the viewed document doesn’t contain the results you want, you can mark the file as such, lowering its probability.
Just like when looking for things and you end up searching the same location more than once, even after marking a p-search result as irrelevant, the file may still come up again, even before other files that have never been looked at. If all the priors you’ve applied point to a certain file, even after making an observation, it may still very well have a high probability.
You may notice that the results coming back aren’t relevant. If you can find what these have in common, for example, them being in a test directory, or being related to another sense of an ambiguous term, you can add more priors to further refine the results.
And thus your search comes to an end. You will have hopefully found that which you set out after. If you find the search session you created useful, p-search allows you to save it for use again. Maybe you have a new idea for a prior function that you want to implement in Elisp. Or you can kill the session and erase from your mind the wild goose chase you were set upon.
In any case, it’s my hope that p-search assisted you on your journey.